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Save lives on vacation:

Work as a lifeguard in Germany!

Spend your summer as a lifeguard on the beach and get free accomodation!

The Central Beach Lifesaving Service of the DLRG (German: Zentraler Wasserrettungsdienst Küste or short form ZWRD-K) is on duty every year from April to October.

Approximately 5,000 volunteer lifeguards supervise the numerous bathing spots along the German North and Baltic Sea coasts at 81 rescue stations. They monitor the beaches, warn of dangers in and around the water, search for missing children and people, treat minor to serious first aid cases and save people from drowning.

For the summer of 2025, we are looking for voluntary lifeguards.

With more than 1.9 million members and sponsors, the DLRG is the worlwide biggest voluntary organization of lifesaving, swimming and lifeguard training and water safety education.

How do I become a lifeguard?

One requirement to join the ZWRD-K is the ILS Lifesaver, an internationally recognized lifesaver certificate. Contact your National Lifesaving Organisation to apply. 

Get involved in the ZWRD-K and save lives during your vacation!

If you have questions, write an E-mail to zwrd-k@bgst.dlrg.de or call +49 5723 955 450.

  • An "all-inclusive package" including free accommodation and meal allowance
  • An expense allowance from 8 euros per day
    Please note: The work is voluntary
  • Full reimbursement of travel expenses after 7 days of deployment

  • Age: at least 16 years (for some water rescue stations: 18 years)
  • International Lifesaving Certificate (ILS Lifesaver). You can find more information here.
  • At least 7 days of service, in the main season (July - September) preferably 14 days
  • Participation in practical exercises on site

  • In the German coastal regions of Schleswig-Holstein, Lower Saxony and Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania
  • Core time from 9 am to 6 pm (often shorter on islands with tides)
  • The wearing of DLRG operational clothing is required! This is available here.
Accommodation and catering

Lifeguards are accommodated on site free of charge. Catering is provided or a catering allowance (for self-catering: 17 euros) is paid. Click here for more information on the assumption of costs.


All lifeguards are covered by statutory accident insurance in accordance with the German Social Security Code (SGB). This insurance does not include vehicles!


If you have any questions, please contact:

zwrd-k@dlrg.de or phone: +49 5723-955450.

Video series

My journey to becoming a lifeguard

English subtitles can be activated.

How do I become a lifeguard?

Our lifeguards keep watch over Germany's beaches and lakes year after year. But what do you actually need to become a lifeguard? Accompany Felix on his way to his first lifeguard duty at the coast.

"My journey to ZWRD-K": Training for emergencies

Felix has trained a lot in the last few weeks. He still needs to improve a few details before taking the test for the Silver Lifeguard Badge.

How do I treat injuries on the beach?

The beach poses a lot of potential dangers, such as shells or the sun. To ensure that bathers are in good hands in case of medical emergencies, Felix is taking a first aid course today.

Felix takes the lifeguard test

The time has come for the Silver Lifeguard Badge test. Has Felix trained enough?

What happens to my application?

Felix has passed the test and now applies for the ZWRD-K. We take a look behind the scenes and find out how thousands of lifeguards are allocated to the various stations every year.

What do I need for my first lifeguard duty?

Felix has arrived at the coast. But what should he actually take with him for his lifeguard duty?

The first day of lifeguard duty at the coast

We attend Felix's first day as a lifeguard and see the tower being prepared and the equipment being checked. Felix can also take part in a lifeguard exercise.

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